reduced balance and mobility
assessment and treatment
As we get older, our bodies gradually lose muscle mass and strength with some people losing it more quickly. Loss of muscle strength can have a significant impact on our mobility, falls risk and balance.
Physiotherapy is proven to help prevent functional decline. We can work with you to increase your strength, joint flexibility and balance helping to improve your independence and your ability to carry out everyday tasks.
If walking has become more challenging, your physiotherapist can help progress your walking, balance and reduce your risk of falling. If you’ve lost confidence, have become fearful of walking outside, or are unable to walk as far as you used to, your physiotherapist can work with you to help improve your confidence and build up your strength to help you reach your goals.
By increasing your exercise tolerance and overall strength and balance, your physiotherapist can help you to walk further and be safer on your feet.
Our physiotherapists can help you regain your stability and restore mobility
Please contact us to discuss your home physiotherapy requirements on
You can find out more about our home physiotherapy service by following this link
home physiotherapy
To book a consultation or to find out more you can do one of the following:
Complete the contact form
Call us on: 07384590177
Email us at: enquiries@salveo-forma.com
Or you can use our social media links
get in touch
Our physiotherapists are registered with the Health Professions Council (HCPC) and is a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP) and Clinical Edge physiotherapy platform.