joint replacement
assessment and treatment
Following a joint replacement such as a total knee replacement or a total hip replacement, physiotherapy will form a key part of your rehabilitation.
Physiotherapy can help improve your physical function, reduce pain and improve your independence.
As you progress with your rehabilitation, your physiotherapist will adapt and progress your exercises to help you reach your goals as quickly as possible.
They will assess your joint range, muscle strength, flexibility, walking and balance and prescribe an individualised exercise and rehab programme to suit your needs.
They can also advise on suitable walking aids.
Our physiotherapists can help you with your post surgical rehabilitation and get you back to fitness as quickly as possible
Please contact us to discuss your home physiotherapy requirements on
You can find out more about our home physiotherapy service by following this link
home physiotherapy
To book a consultation or to find out more you can do one of the following:
Complete the contact form
Call us on: 07384590177
Email us at: enquiries@salveo-forma.com
Or you can use our social media links
get in touch
Our physiotherapists are registered with the Health Professions Council (HCPC) and is a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP) and Clinical Edge physiotherapy platform.