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Don’t skip exercise…


It is not always easy to avoid sitting. Working at a desk, driving, travelling on a bus or train, watching TV, and reading, all add up to increase the time you have spent sitting during the day. 

The Charity ‘Just Stand’ classify sitting between 4-8 hours as medium risk for health complications and classify sitting for more than 8 hours as high risk. 

Sitting for long periods has been proven to cause reduced mobility, balance and strength, increase your risk of ill health and falls and can lead to a loss of independence over time. It can increase stiffness in your joints, worsening symptoms from arthritis, as well as reducing flexibility in your muscles. Everyday activities can become more challenging and the rate of bone and muscle loss (which naturally occurs with age) can increase.    

The NHS recommends that older adults above 65 should be exercising every day and complete strength, flexibility and balance training at least 2 days a week. In addition to this, 50 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise is advised. 



  • Stand up every 30 minutes during the day- when watching TV or working at a desk for example stand up during adverts or when taking phone calls and have a march on the spot if able to do so. Consider alternating your desk with a standing desk. 

  •  Set a timer for 30 minutes- when the timer goes off, stand up if able to do so and complete 30-60 seconds of exercises to get your blood flowing. This could be seated or standing marches, moving your ankles up and down, punching forwards with your arms.

  • Take the stairs if able. 

  • Walk around when using the telephone.

  • Join community-based activities- having a regular group or activity that you attend will motivate you to leave the house and get moving. 

  • Dance, garden or do the housework. Or even better-put on some music while doing chores around the house and dance as you work! 

Chair-based exercises for the older adult to help improve strength and function, helping to reduce the ill effects of a sedentary lifestyle.